Mayhem and Madness in Port St Johns
Mayhem and Madness in Port St Johns: Oh well a bit of bad news here in South Africa doesn’t get us too ruffled. But a taxi gang war in our favourite little town of Port St Johns?!
I had guests, with their two babies, staying in Port St Johns, not even two weeks back. They could so easily have been there. Going to the Spar…? To get a pizza? Enjoy the vibrant little markets?
Next thing four vehicles loaded with goons loaded with guns and ammunition – just come into the square and open fire. Even if it was retaliation for a recent similar attack in Lusikisiki, allegedly perpetrated by a rival taxi gang the week before, this won’t wash well with tourists.
That idiot in the hat is not even going to show up there, I am sure.
This is not washing well at all with anyone. The total annihilation of the tourism sector is at risk in Port St John’s at the moment. The place struggles enough without this sort of reckless and negligent behaviour. PSJ may not be a surf spot…but it’s the gateway to a whole coastline packed with gems that are. Crystal clean water. Long winter waves…
Ok so for now, we ain’t sending or taking anyone there right now. When the smoke clears, and we get reports that things are in control by the local police (and the locals)…we will be the first to let everyone know.
But for now, it’s a no-go zone…but stay posted…and we will let you know if anything positive transpires before the water starts to clean up.
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