Surf Artiste Profile: Richard Tuck
Surf Artiste Profile: Richard Tuck: Many people comment on the main featured image of Brucifire staring intensely at some waves in the sunrise.
Well, it was Richard who dunnit!
And his lovely wife Margie painted it into history. Along with some other great hits!

Walk on the Wild Side
Richard Tuck is well-liked and known as a photographer of note. His skills are on display in the enthralling picture book that Richard put together, after a few long walks to freedom – right through the Transkei.
The journey was undertaken over twenty years ago. The book has long since run out of copies. But who knows? Maybe a resurgence in demand will see another print run? Or maybe we can even make it a downloadable model?
Either way, these fantastic images, and the many other works of art that accompany it, are the work of said Mr. Tuck. Photographed by Richard. And painted into history by Margie.
And we are eternally grateful for their combined efforts.
Donkey Cart Mission
The next trip through the Transkei with Brucifire will be on a donkey cart. We are leaving from Centane in the middle of nowhere. Where we meet our driver and guide Mr, Mannie Joeireiro. And from there it’s a winding road past as much history as we can fit in the few days it will take us to get to the beach.

And go then go surfing!
We are seeking out interested parties who might be keen to become stakeholders in this statement project. Along the way we have many meetings set up with tribal elders. And folk who have been there right through everything. And are still there.
We are also going to joined along the way. By all manners of guests. Who will contribute towards the daily live stream and other videos we will be making. To document this extraordinary mission.
Get in touch and let’s gooooo!
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